Monday, December 23, 2019
The Islamic Revolution Of Iran Essay - 1891 Words
The Islamic revolution that ensued from the political dispute between the Shah and the Iranian population greatly affected Marjane the country holistically. This attempt at overthrowing the Shah, which was perceived as violent and domineering, resulted in not only the Revolution but also in the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, not only did religion play a crucial role in Marjane’s life, but also Islam and the political values of Iran were very closely related rather than separated and distinct. For that reason, Islam and modernity seemed irreconcilable to the Iranian government but not to Marjane herself. Soon enough, the Islamic Republic of Iran rose to power and implemented laws that enforced Islamic traditions upon the Iranian people. These laws ranged from forcing women to wear hijab to disallowing any affiliation with the Western culture, such as music or clothing. Throughout the film, it is illustrated that Marjane’s family tries to abide these law s to avoid consequences and violent punishment from the government but still continue to affiliate with the Western culture by smuggling luxuries, such as wine and posters of rock bands behind closed doors. This further depicts how oppressive the Iranian government was; its attempt to force the religious practices and traditions onto the public causes Marjane and other individuals to lose their personal connection with Islam. The Iranian Revolution enforced Islamic practices upon Marjane and her family,Show MoreRelatedThe Islamic Revolution Of Iran2209 Words  | 9 Pagespeople were executed this year in Iran (Daftari). Every day, millions of Iranians lack basic human rights and opportunities. This absence of rights and freedoms results in a great exodus and undercuts the intellectual capital of the country. 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