Thursday, October 31, 2019
International, Global, and Domestic Business Coursework
International, Global, and Domestic Business - Coursework Example Likewise, DAE ensures that associated employees and organizations do not gain financial benefit by performing illegal acts and property that is utilized in the process. During one of the cases that were covered by an audit company $420 million cash was recovered from employees and organizations involved in illegal drug activities. DEA is a principal department that is capable of forfeiture of seizing cash during any drug enforcement investigations. However, other local agencies associated with law enforcement can also seize cash during their drug enforcement operations and the money is transferred to a federal agency i.e. DAE. After receiving the seized cash, DAE follows federal forfeiture laws in which, 80% amount of the seized money is utilized for law enforcement purpose, however, there are some cases when the money is utilized by General Revenue Fund. Baselines or minimum-security standards for practitioners are addressed in the Title 21 CFR 1300 that is utilized for evaluating security. However, it is not necessary that they can provide adequate protection by deploying effective controls and procedures for ensuring safety against theft of the controlled substances require a safe place, as per distributor’s requirements. Likewise, the same perspective is applicable to other experts, as all the security controls will be investigated to evaluate the compatibility as per laws and regulations for ensuring theft protection. Moreover, baselines or minimum standards for experts dealing with controlled substances require a safe vault or room made from foolproof security. Likewise, pharmaceuticals provide options for storing controlled substances by encapsulating or hiding them amongst available stock that is categorized as non- controlled substances. However, there are no details provided for construction of a secure vault or location, only the intent of the law is visible i.e. controlled substances must be appropriately protected. Consequently,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Black writers Essay Example for Free
The Black writers Essay Whether Racism is an issue of not in USA (also in some Western Countries), it is a flourishing business. The Black writers are aware of this fact and do not hesitate to take ‘un’due advantage of the situation. When a Black writer takes on another ‘black’ writer, the basic issue, the calamity of being a Black, is intelligently swept under the carpet or the issue will be highlighted with a thick coat of extra Black, for the purpose of competition. I remember a three-time divorcee, also a scholar in the oriental language Sanskrit, comment on the theme family. Marriage is the foundation stone for a happy family,†he said and then went on to dissect the word ‘Vivaha’ (marriage). ‘Vaha’ means to flow and ‘vi’ means harmoniously together. Therefore, the word ‘Vivaha’ means to flow together harmoniously. Two distinct individuals, two separate personalities, bred, born and brought up in different set of circumstances try to come together from that day onwards to find a common identity, a common goal, and to be precise a common all! â€Å"he said. thank for you support to the institution of marriage, the three-time divorcee that! An author, when he decides to write the novel, has the issue and theme hovering in his mind. His being an author is itself the major issue. Howsoever detached he claims to be, he can not avoid himself, from the word go to the last sentence of the novel. The next importance issue is the influence of the family, an important family member or members! Percival Everett is a Professor of literature and Head of the English Department at the University of Southern California and the author of fourteen previous novels. He is the Ellison in the novel under review. Ellison faces personal and family crisesâ€â€most notably, his aged mother is fast succumbing to Alzheimer’s and he is also struggling to understand his father’s suicide seven years before. The first 10 pages of the book relate to conversation between brother and sister, brother and brother and other personal issues. This is the first indication of the firm attachment the author has for the family, or say the ‘joint family! ’ The book is an entertaining mix of serious issues clubbed with personal affection and parody. The ‘family’ thread appears and reappears in the novel in one form or the other. Everett had a strong provocation to write this novel. The badge of suffering that had been a part of the Black family not many decades ago in U. S. comes to the fore in the very first page of the book. He writes, â€Å"I have always been severely put off by any story which had its main character a writer. (To an extent it is true of this novel also! ) So, I will claim to be something else, if not instead, then in addition, and that shall be a son, a brother, a fisherman, an art lover, a woodworker. If for no other reason, I choose this last, callous-building occupation because of the shame it caused to my mother, who for years called my pickup truck a station wagon. †â€â€the familial bonds are subtly explained and given importance to! (p. 1)He novel is a parody of contemporary African-American literature. It contains excellent descriptions on authentic family/social feelings with depth and emotion. My Pafology was initially submitted to the Agent under the gangsta pseudonym Stagg R. Leigh. This one ‘wrong’ step leads to a series of comical, problematic situations later as the novel climbs the ladder of unprecedented success. Thelonius Monk Ellison, author of experimental novels, is somewhat estranged from his family because he was favored by an emotionally distant, recently deceased father. When his sister is killed, Monk returns to Washington, D. C. , to care for his mother, who is in the early stages of Alzheimers disease. ’ The graphic description as to how he tackles the family crisis, clubbed with the professional crisis, with the burden of seventeen ejection slips for his novel, which later turns out to be a monumental success, keeps the reader glued to the novel. Monks main character is an Ebonics-spouting brute with no regard for his four children or their respective mothers. Everett is an enormously talented writer, who juggles with the serious issues related to Black race and other problems faced by US with ease and makes you ponder and giggle at the same time. His wit, the mode of criticism and sarcasm are worth noting. The ideas are engaging and he has intelligently roped in the black community and the white community, his sweet-bitter comments on the US social system merit careful attention, though he says it with a hilarious authenticity.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Organizational Structure of Proctor and Gamble
Organizational Structure of Proctor and Gamble Procter Gamble The company I have chosen for the assignment of managing change in organization is Procter Gamble. The company is a Fortune 500 American multinational corporation headquartered in Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. It is 6th in Fortunes Most Admired Companies 2010 list. PG is credited with many business innovations including brand management and the soap opera. History and Background of Company In 1887 PG institutes a pioneering profit-sharing program that gives employees an ownership stake in the Company. This significant innovation helps employees connect their vital roles with the Companys success. In 1924 PG becomes the first company to conduct deliberate, data-based market research with consumers. This forward-thinking approach enables us to improve consumer understanding, anticipate consumer needs and respond with products that improve their everyday life. In 1994 PG becomes one of the first companies to formally respond to consumer correspondence by establishing the Consumer Relations department. The addition of toll-free phone numbers in 1973 and e-mail in the 1980s further enhance consumers ability to contact us and keep the consumer at the heart of all we do. In 1995 Crest is co developed with Indiana University. This collaboration delivers a product that is a breakthrough in the use of fluoride to protect against tooth decay, the second-most prevalent disease at the time. In 2002 PG develops Naturella feminine pads specifically to meet the needs of low-income women in Latin America. Based on deep consumer understanding, Naturella responds to consumers desire for freshness with chamomile, a unique ingredient never before used in feminine care products. In 2005 High Frequency Stores common in developing markets emerge as our largest customer channel. Consisting of nearly 20 million stores across the world, HFS represents a particular opportunity in fast-growing, low-income markets. Through HFS, we connect to consumers with affordable products and packaging specially designed for their needs. Investigation Organizational Structure of Procter Gamble General definition of Organization structure: Organizational structure specifies the firms formal reporting relationships, procedures, controls, and authority and decision-making processes. Developing an organizational structure that effectively supports the firms strategy is difficult, especially because of the uncertainty (or unpredictable variation) about cause-effect relationships in the global economys rapidly changing and dynamic competitive environments. When a structures elements (e.g., reporting relationships, procedures, and so forth) are properly aligned with one another, that structure facilitates effective implementation of the firms strategies. Thus, organizational structure is a critical component of effective strategy implementation processes Types of organizational structure Simple Structure The simple structure is a structure in which the owner-manager makes all major decisions and moni tors all activities while the staff serves as an extension of the managers supervisory authority. Functional Structure The functional structure is a structure consisting of a chief executive officer and a limited corporate staff, with functional line managers in dominant organizational areas, such as production, accounting, marketing, RD, engineering, and human resources. Multidivisional structure The multidivisional (M-form) structure con sists of operating divisions, each representing a separate business or profit center in which the top corporate offi cer delegates responsibilities for day-to-day operations and business-unit strategy to division managers. Procter Gamble The structure of the Procter and Gamble is multidivisional structure. Because the simple structure is used in a small organization where the owner works as a manager and take all the big decision for the company. Typically, the owner-manager actively works in the business on a daily basis. Informal relationships, few rules, limited task specialization, and unsophisticated information systems describe the simple structure. Frequent and infor mal communications between the owner-manager and employees make it relatively easy to coordinate the work that is to be done. Functional structure is used for the organization which is growing but relatively small organization. This structure allows for functional specialization, thereby facilitating active sharing of knowledge within each functional area. Knowledge sharing facilitates career paths as well as the professional development of functional specialists. However, a functional orientation can have a negative effect on communicatio n and coordination among those repre senting different organizational functions. Because of this, the CEO must work hard to verify that the decisions and actions of individual business functions promote the entire firm rather than a single function. Procter gamble is a relatively big organization with a business spread internationally so they are using multidivisional structure. The multidivisional structure of PG consists of operating divisions, each rep-resenting a separate business or profit center in which the top corporate officer dele gates responsibilities for day-to-day operations and business-unit strategy to division managers. Each division represents a distinct, self-contained business with its own functional hierarchy. As initially designed, the M-form was thought to have three major benefits: (1) it enabled corporate officers to more accurately monitor the per formance of each business, which simplified the problem of control (2) it facilitated comparisons between divisions, which improved the resource allocation process; and (3) it stimulated managers of poorly performing divisions to look for ways of improv ing performance. Active monitoring of performance through the M-form increases the likelihood that decisions made by managers heading individual units will be in shareholders best interests. Brands and Products Brands Beauty and Grooming Products Some of the most famous products of beauty and Grooming brands are as under: CoverGirl Dolce Gabbana Puma Gillette Health and Well-Being Some of the most famous products of Health and Well-Being brand are as under: Vicks Oral-B Always Household Care Some of the most famous products of Household Care brand are as under: Ariel Bounce Bounty Background to Change In January 1999, Jager, a PG veteran became the new CEO taking charge at a time when PG was in the midst of a corporate restructuring exercise that started in September 1998. Jager faced the challenging task of revamping PGs operations and marketing practices. Soon after taking over as the CEO, Jager told analysts that he would overhaul product development, testing and launch processes. The biggest obstacle for Jager was PGs culture. Jager realized the need to change the mindset of the PG employees who had been used to lifetime employment and a conservative management style. On July 1, 1999, PG officially launched the Organization 2005 program. It was a program of six-year duration, during which, PG planned to retrench 15,000 employees globally. The cost of this program was estimated to be $1.9 billion and it was expected to generate an annual savings (after tax deductions) of approximately $900 million per annum by 2004. Change in Organization Structure Till 1998, PG had been organized along geographic lines with more than 100 profit centers. Under Organization 2005 program, PG sought to reorganize its organizational structure from four geographically-based business units to five product-based global business units Baby, Feminine Family Care, Beauty Care, Fabric Home Care, Food Beverages, and Health Care. Internal Change The change the PG going to make internally is starting new business unit in the organizational structure. This change probably effects the whole organization. Because it must share the organization sources financial as well as human resources. External change Environment is changing rapidly so the organization also needs to be a dynamic to cater the environment change. PG is the big organization so its new business unit definitely effects the environment and creates a new market. The Mistakes Committed The Organization 2005 program faced several problems soon after its launch. Analysts were quick to comment that Jager committed a few mistakes which proved costly for PG. For instance, Jager had made efforts in January 2000 to acquire Warner-Lambert and American Home Products. Contrary to PGs cautious approach towards acquisitions in the 1990s, this dual acquisition would have been the largest ever in PGs history, worth $140 billion. However, the stock market greeted the news of the merger negotiations by selling PGs shares, which prompted Jager to exit the deal. Implementing Strategies to Revive PG In June 2000, Alan George Lafley (Lafley), a 23-year PG veteran popularly known as AG, took over as the new President and CEO of PG. The major difference between Lafley and Jager was their style of functioning. Soon after becoming CEO, Lafley rebuilt the management team and made efforts to improve PGs operations and profitability. Lafley transferred more than half of PGs 30 senior most officers, an unprecedented move in PGs history. Building Diversity in the Organization At PG, we believe in taking advantage of all the unique and special differences that our employees possess and leveraging them to the fullest. Since diversity is a business strategy for PG, our efforts are focused on bringing in people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds with remarkably diverse lives and career experiences. Organizations that are in touch are far more capable of understanding consumers from all walks of life. They are far more capable of understanding, appreciating and leveraging their own diversity. They are more capable of tapping the diversity of outside partners. Our recruiting efforts target universities all over Pakistan and are aimed at bringing in people with different leadership and thinking styles. Today, our organization draws from more than 30 schools and universities. We also focus on gender diversity by targeting women at universities for females and holding diversity sessions for female students on campuses. Women offer a different perspective that is crucial to our success. We aim to balance not only organizational diversity but also diversity within the various departments. Women make up about 25 percent of the workforce at PG Pakistan. To stress this goal to our employees, PG Pakistan has introduced many initiatives. To avoid defining our diversity objectives too narrowly and limiting them to percentages and representations of certain groups, PG has made tremendous recruiting efforts and has launched programs such as flexible work arrangements and the day-care center. Diversity is respected and required across all levels of the company. In fact, diversity action plans are developed in each region of the world to give local diversity strategies the best chance of success. Change Management Model: Dealing With Change 1. Denial The first response to a significant change is often shock, a general refusal to recognise the information. In this way we protect ourselves from being overwhelmed. Common responses include: Denying: This cant be happening. Ignoring: Wait till it blows over. Minimizing: It just needs a few minor adjustments. It is possible to continue working in the denial phase, but sooner or later the impact hits home and a personal response is required. Management Approach OF PG Be up front with information to individuals and groups of staff. Let them know that change is going to occur. Acknowledge their fears of change as legitimate. Explain what to expect and suggest actions they can take to adjust to the change. Give them time to let things sink in, and then have a planning session to talk things through. 2. Resistance In this phase things often seem to get worse. Personal distress levels rise. It is common to spend time looking for someone or something to blame, or to spend time complaining about the new set-up. Resistance is about fear of change. People may become physically ill, feel all sorts of physical, emotional, and/or mental symptoms. Some people may doubt their ability to survive the change. During this phase there is a greater focus on mourning the past, more than preparing for the future. Many people want to avoid the situation or pretend it is not happening, sometimes by moving back into denial. The self-acknowledgement of feelings being experienced, will ready people to move more quickly to the next phase. Management Approach of PG Listen, acknowledge feelings, respond empathetically, encourage support. Dont try to talk people out of their feelings, or tell them to change or pull together. If you accept their response, they will continue to feel they are able to tell you how they are feeling. This will help you respond to some of their concerns. Use questions to stimulate broader thinking and perspective setting. 3. Exploration After a period of struggle, individuals and organizations usually emerge from their negativity, breathe a sigh of relief, and shift into a more positive, hopeful, future-focused phase. People realize they are going to make it through OK. It can be as subtle as just feeling better, or as obvious as sleeping through the night for the first time since the change started. The timing is different for each person. New directions do not emerge all at once. Rather, what emerges first is the energy to put a search into action. People begin to discover and explore new ways, to start clarifying goals, assessing resources, exploring alternatives, and experimenting with new possibilities. A motivation to swing into action occurs without trying first to find the right way. It is important to resist completing the exploration phase too soon by accepting something less than what the person is capable of. This is a period of high energy, with creativity at its peak. Management Approach of PG Focus on priorities and provide any needed training. Follow-up on projects underway. Set short-term goals. Conduct brainstorming, visioning and planning sessions. Foster all learning opportunities to help overcome fear of change. 4. Commitment Finally, the individual has broken through the problems, discovered new ways of doing things and/or adapted to the new situation. The commitment phase begins with focus on a new course of action. This could be new ways of doing the job, or finding a new job. The successful commitment to a new course of action shows there has been learning growth and adaptation on the part of the individual. Management Approach of PG Set long-term goals. Concentrate on teambuilding. Create a mission statement. Validate and reward those responding to the change. Look ahead. Strategies pursuing by the Procter and Gamble Strategy 1 Delight the consumer with sustainable innovations that improve the environmental profile of our products. Strategy 2 Improve the environmental profile of PGs own operations. Strategy 3 Improve childrens lives through PGs social responsibility programs. Strategy 4 Engage and equip all PG employees to build sustainability thinking and practices into their everyday work. Strategy 5 Shape the future by working transparently with our stakeholders to enable continued freedom to innovate in a responsible way. Resistance and its Handling y PG Strong resistance to change is often rooted in deeply conditioned or historically reinforced feelings. Patience and tolerance are required to help people in these situations to see things differently. Bit by bit. There are examples of this sort of gradual staged change everywhere in the living world. PG the Psychological Contract is a significant aspect of change, and offers helpful models and diagrams in understanding and managing change potentially at a very fundamental level. Also, certain types of people the reliable/dependable/steady/habitual/process-oriented types often find change very unsettling. People who welcome change are not generally the best at being able to work reliably, dependably and follow processes. The reliability/dependability capabilities are directly opposite character traits to mobility/adaptability capabilities. Certain industries and disciplines have a high concentration of staff who need a strong reliability/dependability personality profile, for example, health services and nursing, administration, public sector and government departments, utilities and services; these sectors will tend to have many staff with character profiles who find change difficult. Age is another factor. Erik Eriksons fascinating Psychosocial Theory is helpful for understanding that peoples priorities and motivations are different depending on their stage of life. The more you understand peoples needs, the better you will be able to manage change. Be mindful of peoples strengths and weaknesses. Not everyone welcomes change. Take the time to understand the people you are dealing with, and how and why they feel like they do, before you take action.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Lincoln, Labor and Liberation Essay example -- United States History L
Lincoln, Labor and Liberation The free labor ideology of the nineteenth century was grounded in the beliefs that Northern free labor was superior to Southern slave labor. The key factor that made this system unique was â€Å"the opportunity it offers wage earners to rise to property-owning independence.†[1] It was this free labor ideology and not the republicanism of the Revolutionary War era that caused slavery to be problematic by the time of the Civil War. This ideology was comprehensiveâ€â€it had economic, social, moral, and political aspects. All facets of the theory need to be explored in order to fully understand how and why slavery became such an important issue. Free labor became the center of the Republican ideology in 1852, with the foundation of the Republican Party. It was the result of the economically expanding, enterprising, and competitive society of the early nineteenth century. The word â€Å"labor†had slowly begun to take on new meaning. Previously, it meant only those who were involved in the production of goods. Society was strictly divided into two main groups, those who worked and those who profited from the work of others. By the 1840s, the wage-earning labor class was defined as the entire North. It was made up of those men who owned their own farms, worked their own soil, were educated, and most importantly, were independent. Free labor ideology drew few distinctions between classes. A laborer was a craftsman, a merchant, a small businessman, or a farmer. Northern society offered opportunities to all who sought them, and enabled most to achieve independence and property. Northerners believed this economy would lead to a more equal distribution of wealth, rather than aid the development of a... ...onville, â€Å"The Abolitionists†, December 3, 2001 [10] Foner, 111 [11] Foner, 235 [12] Richard D. Brown, Major Problems in the Era of the American Revolution, 1760-1791 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000), 409 [13] Brown, 410 [14] Joseph J. Ellis, Founding Brothers: the Revolutionary Generation (New York: Alfred A. Knoph, Publisher, 2000) 158 [15] Kevin Tanner, â€Å"Sectionalism: 1850s†, lecture given at Binghamton University December 5, 2001 [16] Brown, 274 [17] Brown, 281 [18] Brown, 282 [19] Ellis, 81 [20] Ellis, 158 [21] McConville, â€Å"Slavery From Rebellion to Revolution†, November 5, 2001 [22] McConville, â€Å"From Jacksonian Democracy to Sectional Conflict†, November 28, 2001 [23] James M. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom: the Civil War Era (New York: Ballantine Books, 1988), 28 [24] Foner, 309
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Influences That Affect Children and Young People’s Development
201 2. 1abc Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development including: Background – depending on the child’s background we can assume that they will generally either do well in class or suffer consequently with poorer work in class. For example if a child has poor up bringer such as no help with their work, parents not encouraging them, suffer from poorer quality of life etc, then this will then lead the child to not do well in school and suffer with many of their lessons.Health – if a child is health and suffers from no major illness then this child will then do will in their lessons. Whereas if a child has poor health and does suffer from a major illness then they will do poor in their lessons. For example if a child with a major illness like cancer then the child is likely to miss a huge amount of school time because they will have to keep going to the hospital, so this means that they will miss out on many lessons and will fall behind in their work.Environment – a child’s environment will depend upon the quality of their school and their home life. If they have nice family life and a nice school then this means that they will do better at school because they have all the necessary items that would be needed to help them with their education. If a child has a poor home life factors like encouraging parents who offer no educational support then this means that they may not do well in school because of having no one to encourage them with their work that they have been doing.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cat’s Organizational Structure
Caterpillar’s Organizational Structure Caterpillar is a corporation that designs, manufactures and sells diesel and natural gas engines, construction, and mining equipment. Since the year 1905 Caterpillar has been a corporation that has evolved by making significant improvements to its machinery by taking advantage of the available technology, and it has had the ability to adapt to the dynamic changes and demands of the construction industry. Many significant events have occurred in this business to make this company what it is nowadays, a very prestigious and successful company around the world.In the year 1906 in San Francisco California, when one of the most significant earthquakes took place, the company made a remarkable use of its machinery by helping with the clean-up of such disaster. Soon enough the company made a contribution to Europe, years before War World I started, 1200 tractors were shipped to England, France, and Russia for agricultural purposes; however, thes e governments sent those tractors to the frontline and put them to work halting artillery and supplies.Consequently they served as an inspiration for the British government to invent the tank, for they borrowed the track laying principle to provide the tank with its form of locomotion. Caterpillar has become the number one company in its industry with more than $70 billion is assets; these important achievements could have only been accomplished with a well-defined and functional organizational structure. Legal Form of Organization Caterpillar is an organization that has the legal form of a corporation with more than $ 70 billion in assets. The main shareholders of the corporation are Vanguard group Inc. State Street Global Advisors Ltd. , and Fidelity Management and Research Company with 30,863,961, 16,637,962, and 12,216,827 shares held respectively. Key activities of organization Every year as many other corporations, Caterpillar does a deeply study of the actual situation of the company, and set its goals and strategies to maintain the corporation afloat and to improve their competence in the market. 1. The company’s expectations for the year 2020 are to be recognized as a leader around the globe, also it is very important for the company that their products help their customers succeed in their business uch as construction, agriculture, and mining. They are very focused in making their distribution system a competitive advantage to the company, the business’ financial performance to reward consistently their stockholders, and their personnel to live their set of values which are integrity, excellence, teamwork, and commitment. These objectives are vital for the company to succeed and keep being the leaders of the industry. 2. The SWOT indicated the areas that might endanger the company’s situation : i. Weaknesses: The increasing debt of the company: Caterpillar Inc. is rated second in total debt among competitors.The total debt of the industry is about $ 123. 53 billion. (See Figure 1) Caterpillar represents about 29% of the total debt with $ 35. 96 billion. Fig. 1. Caterpillar Total Debt, company’s debt consists of 29. 11 % of total debt of industry. Macroaxis Inc. Total Debt Breakdown for Caterpillar, 2012. . ii. Threats: * Intense competitive pressures: Caterpillar shares the market with many other companies, and it faces a tough competition to maintain their leading position. Deree and Co, Komatsu Ltd, Kubota Corporation are a few companies in the industry. Environmental regulations: Mining operations dependent upon material prices and political stability. * Foreign exchange and interest rate fluctuations 3. Values are really important issue in every company; without them the daily operations of the company could become a weakness, and advantage for competitors. As Caterpillar’s code of conduct mentions, the main focus in this area is shown in the following chart (see fig. 2). Fig. 2. Caterpill ar Inc. Values’ Chart Patterns of Departmentation Caterpillar if organized by a corporate governance structure with theChairman of the board executing the Role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A completely independent Board of Directors conformed by members outside the company (non-employees). The CEO oversees five group presidents. These groups of presidents supervise twenty-five vice presidents who are in control facilities, geographical regions, marketing regions and four service centers (see fig. 3). Fig. 3. Caterpillar’s Organizational structure. The Official Board. Orgeanizational Chart Caterpillar, April 3, 2012. .As we can see in the table, the corporation does not rely heavily in management levels; instead the chain of command is not very tall; which makes very dynamic the flowing of ideas and orders from Directors to line and production managers. This decentralized structure that took place in the early 1900’s was a key strategy to get closer to custo mers and satisfy more efficiently to their needs. The actual structure of the company is a clear insicator of how the company evolves constantly with the industy; the leadership understand the importance of being constantly involved with the employees at all levels.In the year 2004, the back then vice president of the company Christioano V Schena; shared an interesting story that demonstrated the effectiveness and results that good management can do for the Company. Christiano was sent to Caterpillar inc in Braxil as general manager of the company to deal with many problems the company was facing at that moment. In 1996, a big percentage of the products manufactured at that facility, were missing parts resulting in missed shiping deadlines; making the customers many unhappy with the service.As a result the company was not only loosing sales, but was inefficient sfixing all the problems this enificiency created and wmployees were working overtime and air- shipping parts to complete t he products. Christiano understood that the main problem was that employees had no sense of direction and were not motivated enough; they did not feel any connection with previous leaders which kept them in the shadow of the main mission of the company. He soon began to think and put in practice strategies to change this situation.He started by learning the local language, dor he understood there could not be a sentation of connection between leaders and subordinates in they can’t even speak the same language. He also learned the regional culture and realized that soccer was an important item in their lives. He started to compare the startegies and goals on the company with the strategies and goals of soccer. As the company started to improve and deliver in a much better manner, he was able to get all employees involved in the current performance and actual situation of the company.Employees were very motivated of belonging to a winning team and therefore performed better. He believed when employees are accountable for something, and they are given the tools they need to deliver on those accountabilities, they will do it better. As a result of this strategic planning procces, the employees transformed the business to such a level that in the year 1999 they received the Operational Excellence certification award, and the Premio Nacional Da Qualidade which is the Brazil’s equivalent of the U.S. Malcom Baldridge Award. Thorught this process Chistano also was able to recognize that the poor economical situation of the community surrounding tha company was a factor that threated the success of the company. The crime and low educational level of the area were a factor that limited the growth of the company. The team soon developed a strategy that involved in the effort of other entrepreneurs, CEOs and media leaders, to help the city in orther to attract talented people there. TeamCaterpillar is a global company that keeps constantly expanding across ma ny countries. The company operates hundreds of offices and facilities around the world and has more than 100,000 employees. Teamwork is a must, and there are technicians and engineers working in research, testing and development of new technology for the company in various countries. China, The Philippines, Singapore, and England are just a few of the countries where this company is conducting business in the present.With all these different facilities being located at different places, becomes very difficult to maintain the traditional face to face working environment; therefore, they rely heavily in technology to communicate ideas and coordinate operations from distance. Virtual teams are a must since engineers working at different time zones and places have to communicate their problems, ideas, and projects to achieve their respective task. In figure 4, we can see all the locations that at the present are being operated by the company. Fig. 4. Caterpillar currently operation worl dwide. Worldwide locations, Caterpillar Inc. 012. . Impact of information revolution As a technological company Caterpillar has an advantage over other companies that are not technological based. To keep the constant growth of the company, Caterpillar invests a great amount of capital in the research and development of new and better equipment and technology. Some of the current research projects of the company include ACERT technology in their engines which not only reduces emissions but also does it without affecting performance, reliability, and fuel efficiency.Mining technology and autonomous robotics are also being incorporated to this important step towards the future. All these purposes cannot be accomplished without proper training of their personnel. There are many programs that caterpillar is financing to train their employees and future employees as well. The company is really focused in training its personnel to increase their technical abilities and competence in the m arket. These programs are created for college graduates and could be applied in different areas of study.At the moment the company prefers aspirants with Bachelor’s degrees in Supply Chain Management, Industrial Distribution Management, Business Management, and Engineering. Some of these capacitation programs include: * Leadership and Technical Development Program. * Information Technology Development Program. * Human Resources Professional Development Program. * Logistics Professional Development Program. References Morningstar. Major Shareholders. Retrieved from http://investors. morningstar. com/ownership/shareholders-major. html? t=CAT . Wikipedia. Caterpillar Inc. Retrieved from http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Caterpillar_Inc. Macroaxis. Total Debt Breakdown for Caterpillar. Retrieved from http://www. macroaxis. com/invest/ratio/CAT–Total_Debt. Yousigma. Caterpillar Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Retrieved from http://www. yousigma. com/com parativeanalysis/caterpillar. html. Morningstar. Industry Peers CAT. Retrieved from http://financials. morningstar. com/competitors/industry-peer. action? t=CAT®ion=USA&culture=en_US. The Official Board. Caterpillar’s Organizational Structure. Retrieved from http://www. theofficialboard. com/org-chart/caterpillar.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
argentiian Culture essays
argentiian Culture essays The Significance of the Restoration Movement This article discussed the Restoration Movement and the stipulations and events that were involved with the movement. It was brought about in large part by Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell in the early 19th century. The first main topic discussed was the Biblical movement. This gave examples of how there are many people out there who consider something to be a Biblical movement because it has something to do with the Bible or an interpretation of a passage in the Bible etc. I really liked what Stone said about it being better to have one Book and enter into heaven than to have many and enter into hell. We just have to remember that we are called to preach the gospel. I loved how the article discussed preaching the gospel. That is the number one thing that should be preached even today. The article also had a lot of good stuff to say about the Holy Spirit and faith and opinion, but what I really want to get into is the last section, which was on the New Testament church. The article talked about how some people are confusing what this New Testament church is all about. Some people think that it means basically getting rid of the Old Testament. However, that isnt the case at all. The New Testament church simply means that you have a church nowadays that is based on the first century church. I personally think this is the best plan yet. The funny thing is that I had never even heard of it until I came to this school. In theology we learned about covenant, and now were learning about how to follow the first century churchs example. This makes a lot of sense to me because these were the first Christian people ever to exist on earth. Therefore, God was obviously involved in their church, and He even gave people like Paul the right words to help lead these churches. It seems obvious to me that this is the way God wanted churches to function. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Compare and Contrast My Mistress essays
Compare and Contrast My Mistress essays Compare and Contrast: My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun She Walks In Beauty Time has seen an infinite amount of beauty in its long existence. Nature has produced so many wonderful scenes and objects that we cannot collect it all even in one life. We ourselves are keepers of such beauty and intrigue that poets and other writers have captured our essence in prose. Whether its beauty that is skin deep or the beauty of a face that makes you look twice, what attracts us is not always what attracts your neighbor. Shakespeares, My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun, and Lord Byrons, She Walks in Beauty, are the epitome of what men and women long for. Although different in their interpretations of beauty, they hold true to the meaning of beauty, and the meaning of love. In Shakespeares My Mistress Eyes are Nothing like the Sun, beauty is definitely only skin deep. Shakespeares description of his love is an abomination to the quintessential woman every m! an lusts for. He describes her as having, black wires grow on her head (Mistress line 4), instead of the beautiful, long black hair that most men would die for. Shakespeare also states, I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath far a more pleasing sound (Mistress line 9-10). The subject in this sonnet is well beyond grotesque, and her voice is to be thought as a plague on the ears. However, what she has to say to him and the way she says, I Love You is like music in Shakespeares ears and his heart. No matter how unattractive she is to him or to anyone else, only he knows her true beauty, and that lies deep inside her. Beauty is not just a word, nor is it just an appearance to Shakespeare in this sonnet. Beauty is something that has already been achieved by someone who is looking desperately to find it - that ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A Comparison of Competencies between Associate and Bachelor Degreed Nursing Graduates
Nursing is complex, and within the profession there are many spectrums of career possibilities. Nursing is based on a foundation of caring and what draws many to the profession is a commitment of service. The knowledge and education sought to prepare nurses however differs between the two â€Å"entry†level paths of associate degreed nurses and baccalaureate degree nurses and thus forms a difference in the way they perform their professional practice. Associate Degreed Nurses Associate degree nursing programs were developed in the early 1950’s as a response to postwar shortages (Creasia, Friberg. 2011) they were intended to be two years in duration and designed to prepare the graduate for bedside care in the secondary setting. These program quickly became successful and programs spread across the United States at a record pace. The associate degree program were found to be clinically sound and offered heavily hands on approach, they traditionally graduate nurses that are task oriented and perform well. Associate graduates are tested via the NCLEX after program completion to obtain licensure. The associate degreed path remains the major point of entry into the profession today. The educational prerequisite of the associate degree nursing program are not as robust in sciences often eliminating the need for organic chemistry and advanced mathematics. The associate degree nursing path also is remedial as compared to the BSN in the liberal arts, often leaving the graduate with subpar communication skills when compared to the BSN counterpart. Baccalaureate Degreed Nurses Baccalaureate degree programs are traditionally structured as four year programs with the nursing clinical focus at the latter two years. Programs differ from Associate programs in that there are courses required which focus on the professional development of the student, and thus the growth of the profession. Baccalaureate programs prepare the graduate for scopes beyond bedside care. Leadership and research roles favor the bachelors prepared graduate. The advanced professional focus allows the graduate to view the practice beyond the task orientation of the associate degreed nurse. A comparison study (Ginger, N. Davidhizar, R., 1990) found that baccalaureate nurses were more concerned with research methodology, teaching of the individual and the group, and community assessments. The study concluded that the baccalaureate nurse was more process driven than the task oriented associate degreed nurses. Healthcare today is composed of a multiple disciplinary team of practitioners with varied levels of education, preparing nurses at the minimum of the baccalaureate level has been a push of many professional organizations. Recent research (Aiken, 2008) has confirmed a strong link in the educational level of nurses and improvement in patient mortality. The study found when the institution increased the percentage of baccalaureate prepared nurses by 10% that the corresponding mortality decreased by 4%. Practical Comparison One of the situational comparisons that I feel would demonstrate the practice focus differences of the two educational preparations is in dealing with imminent death and dying. Throughout the career of any healthcare provider we will be faced with this challenge, and while there are many task associated with the algorithm of advanced life support or complexity of the hospice patient, there are multiple psych social aspects to consider. The baccalaureate nurses educational preparation allows her to focus on the causes of the underlying pathophysiology, understand the chemistry of the multiple medications involved and problem solve for alternative treatments is initially unsuccessful. The baccalaureate nurse is able to communicate effectively with the healthcare team and reassuringly guide the family thru this difficult process. In my years of practice I feel that clinical experience and confidence can elevate the associate degreed nurse to a comparable level in this situation as well but I have seen that the baccalaureate graduate achieves this standard well before the counterpart. Patient presentation has become more complex and the array of treatments available seems almost endless. Our patients and their families deserve the best outcomes from the best prepared team.
Friday, October 18, 2019
LAW Business Associations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
LAW Business Associations - Assignment Example The Act includes certain common principles related to the directors’ duties. Directors’ remuneration’ has occupied a vital position in usual discussions in recent years. This happens primarily owing to the fact that often there lays a huge difference between the remuneration of the directors and the employees. In accordance with a news report presented by Wcbn (2011), the latest trends in directors’ remuneration have been demarcated from the review made by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). It depicts that remuneration levels usually depend upon the industry within which the company is operating and the company size1. In accordance with a report presented by KPMG UK, it is ascertained that the scenario related to directors’ remuneration in the year 2013 has gone through certain decisive changes. The report states that in the modern day scenario for designing the salary structure, a shift of focus from the market median to the linkage between pay along wi th performance has been made. The latest trends in the remuneration structure can be best understood by following the pictorial representation given below2. Source:2 Companies Act 2006 provides a detailed understanding of the appointment and removal of directors. The Act states that initial appointment of the directors are done by ‘subscribers’ to the memorandum’. Furthermore, the Act also states that ‘article of association’ determines the appointment of directors. In accordance with article 17 of the new model, it states that directors are selected by the members of the annual general meeting and by the Board of Directors. The appointment regulations state that a person must be willing to act as a director. Whereas, s167 (2b) CA 2006 states that â€Å"consent by that person, to act in that capacity†must be informed to the companies house3. According to a report presented by Ernst & Young, the changing landscape pertaining to directorsâ€⠄¢ remuneration has been revealed. The observations reveal that the United Kingdom’s recovery pertaining to the global recession is slower. This is resulting in a decrease in consumer spending and business confidence. The latest trends related to the shareholders’ voting rights with regard to the new remuneration structure has highlighted that companies have been compelled to make transparent communication regarding directors’ remuneration4. Correspondingly, director’s remuneration has accelerated at an alarming rate. In nations such as the UK, all the companies that are listed are required to comply with company law, as directed in the Companies Act, 1985. Subsequently, in 2002, certain reforms had been made to the set out Companies Act 1985 with regard to the enhancement of accountability and transparency for the companies that are listed. In terms of a crucial directive, under the requirement of company law, listed organisations will be necessitated to publish a report relating to directors’ remuneration within annual reporting cycle. Despite such reforms the company law has remained noticeably ineffective to establish specific
Small group communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Small group communication - Essay Example The movie involved a group of employees who apparently lost their pension to a scheme conceived by a businessman tenant, Alan Alda (Arthur Shaw), of the building where they are employed. The group is initially composed of Ben Stiller (Josh), Casey Affleck (Charlie) and Michael Pena (Enrique). They sought the help of a criminal, Eddie Murphy (Slide), a businessman who went bankrupt, Matthew Broderick (Mr. Fitzhugh), and a female employee Gabourey Sidibe (Odessa), to steal the money that they perceived was hidden in the apartment unit of Shaw. The effective group decision making that was exhibited in the movie are as follows: (1) the conceptualization stage where problem identification was initiated and where a proposed solution was conceived; (2) group formation stage where members of the group were carefully selected according to the roles and responsibilities that would be undertaken; (3) holding group meetings to clearly establish the plan of action, strategies, and designation of tasks; (4) cohesive participation and collaboration of members to successfully implement the designed plan; and (5) effective leadership style and accountability to actions that were undertaken (Rothwell). On the other hand, the ineffective decision making activities include: (1) lack of trust which contributed to one or two members to deviate from the plan; (2) lack of research to accurately validate assumptions (the members thought that the stolen money was hidden in a concealed vault); (3) inability to prepare for events which were unplanned but could potentially happen; and (4) tendencies for manifesting group think (Rothwell). The ineffective decision making processes noted above were clear indications of weaknesses in unified thinking, lack of trust in each members’ capabilities to do the tasks delegated and assigned, as well as an aspect of close-mindedness. According to
Comparison Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Comparison Memo - Essay Example fficial websites for the flight airlines and the feedback from the managers as borrowed from the databases of the companies, I came up with this report to determine the best flight. Following the study of the available information using the stated criteria, as a PR supervisor, I found out Qatar Airways as being the best flight that met our criteria requirements. I recommend that we purchase the ticket from Qatar Airways because it is the best for the higher management needs. There is a major conference for OLS managers around the world to be launched in Doha on the 6th of August 2013 and the higher management has asked me as PR supervisor to plan for this trip. The time line for the execution of this task and delivery of appropriate and informed recommendation was one week from the date of the request being placed. I needed to compare the airline flights to get the best deal within this time frame. Although our PR department made previous research about different flights, this research aimed at updating the comparison in our company database. The task required the provision of information on the availability of the flights on the 5th of August 2013 and their relative prices, availability of business class seats and the possibility of minimum number of connection flights to the final destination. Using the official websites of the flights’ airlines gave information for comparison based on the stated criteria (see table Table 1). It was important to appreciate cost as the lesser important issue as compared to availability on the set date. It was found out that all the airlines had flights on the 5th of August. However, the United Airline had the lowest price of $ 6,045 while the other two charged equally and more than United Airline by $ 1,220. The second priority in the criteria was having business class seats on the plane and its listing as one of the five-star airplanes. After reviewing the websites of the listed airlines, I founded that Qatar Airways and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Ohio Sentate Bill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ohio Sentate Bill - Essay Example Having said this, it is not as though the nation has no responsibilities to play in ensuring that the citizen is well protected and provided for to give back to the nation. It is for this reason that bills and laws that are made in the nation must take a human face and consider the welfare of the citizen as the most important conditions. To this effect, it is absolutely necessary, right and appropriate that citizens are airing their views on the Senate Bill 5 and how it might affect them. The debates and discussion are therefore highly encouraged and no side of the argument can immediately be judged as invalid, out of place or unnecessary. Especially as voting is yet to be done, it is important that debates continue to clarify issues so that the voting public would have better reasons why they should make a particular choice on the day of voting. The Issues No body can deny the fact that the mere mention or thought of the fact that a person’s earning would be reduced directly or indirectly is unpleasant news to hear. In fact, monies are earned through labor and labor is a difficult phenomenon. It is for this reason that everyone would want his or her earning secured. But what about cases where the deductions would bring about an eventual and long term benefit. Like in the payment of life insurances and fixed deposits, so would the long term benefit of the Senate Bill 5 be. Vardon and Siegel (2011) note that â€Å"Senate Bill 5 also would save $191 million at the state level by eliminating employee longevity and step pay increases.†In the wake of times when America is trumpeting for rapid economic take after the recession, such an amount pumped into the economy would in no small way raise the economic fortunes of the nation. Having made this point, it is important to reiterate the need to ensure accountability at the hands of higher governmental officials so that the professed economic benefits would be achieved. There is also an urgent need for c ritics’ cry on the implementation process to be considered. This is because there seem to be a kind of disparity that creates the impression that someone is robbing Peter to pay Paul. This point is strongly supported by Kasich who decries how there exists â€Å"imbalance between the costs of health insurance for the private and public sectors†such that one group wound eventually be making losses for another person’s gains. There is the much talked deprivation of employees to air their views and bargain on their entitlements. Some say that the Senate Bill 5 will be â€Å"taking away the power to negotiate deductibles and co-pays that contribute to the overall cost of health insurance†(Vardon and Siegel, 2011). However, that is not all what the Senate Bill 5 presents as far as employee bargaining power is concerned. As a matter of fact, public service workers such as teachers, firefighters and law enforcers â€Å"will be able to negotiate with local and state officials for important contract provisions including wages and some working conditions, including those related to safety†(The Intelligencer, 2011). The fears continue to rage on but citizens are encouraged to consider the full impulse of the bill deeply. If for nothing at all, it is known that the little restrictions on bargaining power would go a long way to restrict excessive spending to help Ohio maintain a balanced budget. It should however be noted with caution that this does not become an avenue for killing the
Informative speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informative speech - Essay Example There are many facts you must know about folate. Folate is a very important water-soluble B- vitamin found in a variety of foods. Its natural source is vitamin B9 found in peas, dried beans and other green leafy vegetables. As an additive in its synthetic form folate is found in bread, cereal and grains and is referred to as folic acid. It is also â€Å"found in supplements and added to fortified foods.†(Herbert V. 1999) Folate is indispensable to pregnant and nursing mothers because it helps in the rapid division and production of new cells and also prevents anemia during pregnancy. Some of the foods that are rich in folate are green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and turnip greens. According to the book, Nutrition Concepts and Controversies published in 2006 by Whitney and Sizer, folate is also found in asparagus, broccoli, and spinach. Fruits such as citrus and other juices also contain folate. Folate is also present in dried beans and peas. In 1996, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published regulations requiring the addition of folate to enriched breads, cereals, flours, pastas, rice, and other grain products which are consumed in good quantity and contributes a good deal to the American diet. According to the reports on the â€Å"The Recommended Dietary Allowances†(RDA) on the amount of folate necessary for children is 200 micrograms, for adults it is 400 micrograms and for pregnant women it is 600 micrograms of folate. .Folate deficiency results from the inadequate intake of folate. The book Clinical Spectrum and Diagnosis of Folate Deficiency published in 2001 by Allen Lindenbaum, explains that medication such as aspirin and other drugs used to treat cancer and alcohol abuse reduces the body’s ability to absorb folate. Folate deficiency in children results in poor or very slow overall growth rate. . In adults, the symptoms include diarrhea,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Comparison Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Comparison Memo - Essay Example fficial websites for the flight airlines and the feedback from the managers as borrowed from the databases of the companies, I came up with this report to determine the best flight. Following the study of the available information using the stated criteria, as a PR supervisor, I found out Qatar Airways as being the best flight that met our criteria requirements. I recommend that we purchase the ticket from Qatar Airways because it is the best for the higher management needs. There is a major conference for OLS managers around the world to be launched in Doha on the 6th of August 2013 and the higher management has asked me as PR supervisor to plan for this trip. The time line for the execution of this task and delivery of appropriate and informed recommendation was one week from the date of the request being placed. I needed to compare the airline flights to get the best deal within this time frame. Although our PR department made previous research about different flights, this research aimed at updating the comparison in our company database. The task required the provision of information on the availability of the flights on the 5th of August 2013 and their relative prices, availability of business class seats and the possibility of minimum number of connection flights to the final destination. Using the official websites of the flights’ airlines gave information for comparison based on the stated criteria (see table Table 1). It was important to appreciate cost as the lesser important issue as compared to availability on the set date. It was found out that all the airlines had flights on the 5th of August. However, the United Airline had the lowest price of $ 6,045 while the other two charged equally and more than United Airline by $ 1,220. The second priority in the criteria was having business class seats on the plane and its listing as one of the five-star airplanes. After reviewing the websites of the listed airlines, I founded that Qatar Airways and
Informative speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informative speech - Essay Example There are many facts you must know about folate. Folate is a very important water-soluble B- vitamin found in a variety of foods. Its natural source is vitamin B9 found in peas, dried beans and other green leafy vegetables. As an additive in its synthetic form folate is found in bread, cereal and grains and is referred to as folic acid. It is also â€Å"found in supplements and added to fortified foods.†(Herbert V. 1999) Folate is indispensable to pregnant and nursing mothers because it helps in the rapid division and production of new cells and also prevents anemia during pregnancy. Some of the foods that are rich in folate are green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and turnip greens. According to the book, Nutrition Concepts and Controversies published in 2006 by Whitney and Sizer, folate is also found in asparagus, broccoli, and spinach. Fruits such as citrus and other juices also contain folate. Folate is also present in dried beans and peas. In 1996, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published regulations requiring the addition of folate to enriched breads, cereals, flours, pastas, rice, and other grain products which are consumed in good quantity and contributes a good deal to the American diet. According to the reports on the â€Å"The Recommended Dietary Allowances†(RDA) on the amount of folate necessary for children is 200 micrograms, for adults it is 400 micrograms and for pregnant women it is 600 micrograms of folate. .Folate deficiency results from the inadequate intake of folate. The book Clinical Spectrum and Diagnosis of Folate Deficiency published in 2001 by Allen Lindenbaum, explains that medication such as aspirin and other drugs used to treat cancer and alcohol abuse reduces the body’s ability to absorb folate. Folate deficiency in children results in poor or very slow overall growth rate. . In adults, the symptoms include diarrhea,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Radiation Therapy Essay Example for Free
Radiation Therapy Essay ABSTRACT:      Radiation Therapy now enjoys its position as a therapeutic and an adjuvant therapy among the cancer patients and cases. The use of radiotherapy is a very serious decision which is taken after much thought about the patient’s case and requires much cooperation from the patient and support from the oncology team that provides it. Current oncology teams work together to create an environment which is both friendly for the patient as well as less confusing, so that the patient is able to go through the phase of treatment with out any complications. Each person in the radiology team takes care of a particular aspect of radiotherapy treatment, and together they ensure a good outcome and result for the patient. THE ROLE OF RADIATION THERAPY IN CANCER MANAGEMENT      Of the many methods used in today’s cancer treatment regimes, radiation therapy has become one of the crucial components of the therapy. The therapy where radiation rays are used to destroy cancer cells has now become an advanced field of research and development. This area has now become a separate area of specialization, and various developments are helping doctors give better prognosis to their patients. Due to minimized anxiety attacks among patients, they become more optimistic about recovery and are less distressed on the possibility of death. Patients of this kind of therapy have better psychological health and have less depressive symptoms caused by their disease.       Radiation therapy is not required to all cancer patients. It is not always involved in the management of all organs and body sites affected by cancer cells. This treatment is only recommended on certain types of cancer as other situations only call for surgical procedures in preventing further cancer metastasis and to eliminate cancer cells in the body.  An important adjuvant to cancer therapy, it is used as an alternative to surgical procedures that cannot be carried out on a patient. Radiation therapy is a common procedure in breast and lung cancers as well as in brain cancer, colorectal carcinomas and skin cancers of the face. (Florida Cancer Care News, 2006)      In the USA, the main issue of debate and concern among the clinicians is the poorer prognosis rates in the USA patients due to cancer when compared to other countries of Europe. This has been attributed to the type of care given in each country, and has led to intense concentration on methods that improve recovery outcomes.       These concerns have led to five areas of intense activity in the area of cancer therapy, as stated by Tattersall and Thomas, (1999). There are now multidisciplinary teams that specialize in one or two specific organs and provide treatment and care to those specific cancer patients. There have been increased efforts to improve the organizational setup of the cancer therapy and delivery setups. Clearer treatment goals now exist, along with increased awareness in the public about the different aspects of cancer, cancer therapy and the role of trials in the development of better alternatives and cures for the future. Now current research is aiming to derive benefits from matrix metallo proteinase inhibitors, gene therapies and cancer vaccines. (Tattersal and Thomas, 1999) All these areas of activity are hoped to increase the patient outcomes significantly in the future and help in creating better alternative solutions to cancer treatments. Team Members in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plans    The advancements in this field have led to increase in the number of professionals in this field. Each has a unique and an important role to play in the treatment procedure. The radiation therapists mainly work in conjunction with the medical doctor and with them discuss the individual cases that are considered for radiation therapy. Of these the suitable cases are selected and the radiation treatment is then started under the guidance of the radiation oncologist The decision making process in radiation therapy is absolutely critical, as the radiation oncologist decides the amount and intensity of the dose each patient will get according to the individual factors and more importantly the state of the cancer.     A radiation department in any organization will consist of multiple workers and members, each having a significant role to play in the treatment of the patient. These include the clinical oncologists or radiologists, the radiographers, radiation therapists and the dosimetrists, the physicist, the mould room technicians, the nursing staff, the students and the R.T aides and assistants and other members such as social workers, palliative care team, counselors, and secretaries and clerical staffs. (Cancer Backup, 2005 and American Society of Radiologic Technologists, 2007). Stimulation is the initial step in the radiation treatment where a radiation therapist takes x-ray images and utilize this to locate the tumor. Other methods such as CT scans can also be used in order to minimize tissue damage in the patient, ensuring that only the carcinogenic cells are destroyed. Together with a radiation oncologist and a dosimetrist, they customize a treatment plan for the patient (Radiation Therapists 2006). Both clinical oncologists and radiologists are concerned with minimal invasive methods in treating cancer cases. According to the Royal College of Radiologists (2007), radiologists are medical specialists that conduct imaging services in order to provide patients the proper diagnosis. Oncologists on the other hand are specialists trained to manage cancer in non-surgical forms of treatment. They usually recommend procedures such as chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and radioactive isotopes. After taking the image of the affected organ of the body, this is to be interpreted by another specialist in order to prescribe and execute the proper treatment. This is a task attended by professionals called radiographers (Radiography and Radiographers). Dosimetrists are primarily concerned on the proper dosage to be administered to a patient. They scan patients and use CT data or other measurements in order to provide patients the proper treatment plan (Medical Dosimetrists, 2004).     The members of the radiation team that are outside of the department faculty but help in the procedures include the referring faculties, physicians, radiologists and emergency departments, the industry vendors, the patients and their family members, the instructors or directors of the radiology programs, the insurance companies, the governmental and regulatory agencies and the accrediting agencies, if applicable. (American Society of Radiologic Technologists, 2007)     The radiation team is perhaps the most integrated and interconnected team compared to other sections of the medical health care. The realization of the need for team work in reducing confusion, promoting smoothness and harmony in the care of the patient was realized long ago, however, it was not implemented fully in many medical and surgical areas. The results have shown lags or gaps in the treatment of care. Many of the current radiology departments have learned from the lessons of the past, and now term themselves as the radiology team who take care of the patient through all the stages of the radiotherapy treatment. (Kaprich, 2003) This has led to not only improvement in the care of the patients, but also in the hospital management and organization matters as well as job satisfaction levels. The level of communication between the different contributors of the department has improved and therefore, shows a much prompt and informed response in the care of various pa tients. (Kaprich, 2003) Radiation Therapists     Advancement of technology has given professionals access to different methods that enable the correct identification and location of cancer cells which are the specific targets of the ionizing energy of radiation and preventing tissue cell damage. With this directed and controlled use of radiation, there is a reduced manifestation of side effects due to the treatment patients receive, and there is an expedited recovery of patients. (M.D Anderson Cancer Center, 2007) Together with the doctor, a radiation therapist is responsible for the patients familiarization of the radiation treatment procedure. This will allow the patient to become aware of the possible problems that may arise and to answer any reservations that the patient may have. Therefore, a radiation therapist is expected to be present throughout the treatment period. Nurses in Radiation Oncology      The inclusion of nurses in this field of radiation oncology is fairly recent. However, this has now become an integrated and competent player in the caring of cancer patients in the radiology department.      The role of nurses have evolved in this field, as many of them have been tasked to carry out many of the advanced procedures in the treatment process. Both preoperative and operative care are executed by these nurses, making them indispensable in the success of the patients recovery.      Currently, the responsibilities given to the nursing staff include both basic and advanced tasks. The basic tasks include education and caring of the patient with in the department and helping others in carrying out researches and other projects. Nurses work towards creating an environment both among themselves and among the different staff members to create an open, friendly environment that ensures better outcomes. Along side, the nurses are responsible for their own education and growth within the field, and opportunities to increase and improve competencies within the staff. The nurses are therefore, working primarily in creating an environment that improves the patient care and outcomes, as well as improve the communication between the various contributors to the field. (Kaprich, 2003) In oncology, the roles of nurses in the treatment process is considered an integral part of the overall healthcare. The primary purpose of providing nursing care is to allow the patients to become independent through the development of their physical, psychical, and social abilities. It is significant in preserving, strengthening and protecting health, and nursing patients and rehabilitating them (Basic Principles of Nursing ). Physicists in the Field of Radiation Therapy     Another significant member of the team of professionals in radiation oncology are the physicists. This specialist is responsible for giving the patient optimum radiation therapy procedures that would ensure minimal health risks and maximum efficacy. Due to the delicate nature of their job, these physicists are expected to be highly professional and equipped with the proper training in conducting their tasks. Part of the job that physicists have is that they should select the proper radiation instruments to be used, the budget preparation and the sequence of procedure execution. Due to this technical knowledge, physicists are important in identifying and rectifying problems that could possibly transpire. But this specialist is not confined in his technical role as his position requires that he collaborates with both oncologists and radiation therapists in determining the proper dosage, duration, timing, frequency and type of radiation therapy to be administered to a patient. Since the availability of x-rays, physicists have exploited this technology of medical imaging, which is vital to medical research advancement. Fundamental research in optics, acoustics, electromagnetism, and particle and nuclear physics have led to an array of indispensable medical tools. Magnetic resonance images, CAT scans, PET scans, and various types of radiotherapy are among the physics-based devices that help doctors diagnose and treat ailments ranging from broken bones to cancer. Ultrasound machines, for example, are made possible through our understanding of the physics of sound waves, and the prenatal images they produce are now so common that they are a cultural symbol of the joy of impending parenthood (Genetic Radiotherapy 2002). Cutting-edge techniques presented in the annual AAPM meeting scientific program will ultimately lead to tools as important to the medicine of tomorrow as x-ray and ultrasound images are today. (Asp et al, 1993)     The use of ionizing radiation in the radiation field has led to many questions raised about the safety margins of these procedures. As stated before, there is a fine line of division between the therapeutic effects of radiation and the adverse effects of the radiotherapy. In this regard, the role of dosimetrists is essential to delineate the amount of dose necessary for each case. Dosimetrists play a role in treatment planning, mould room technology, brachytherapy and sealed source management, in-vivo dosimetry, quality control of equipment, and IT support. (Radiotherapy Provision in England, 2006) Dosimetrists for Dose Determination     A dosimetrist is actually responsible for the delivery of the proper dosage to be given to a patient. They are subordinates to doctors who work in close communication with the patient as well as their families. The person who actually delivers the dose of radiation each day is known as dosimetrist. These work under the doctor or the oncologist and are in close communication with the patient as well as the family members of the patient. The radiation dose decided for a patient is given to him or her in divided portions. The session itself is a small one, but the radiation therapist is the one who delivers it and communicates any changes in the patient to the oncologist.  Mental Health Support for Cancer Patients      Radiation therapy is a big step of treatment in cancer patients and therefore, their mental and physical state is a very important clue and guide to the selectivity of the case for the therapy. Such patients begin one of the most difficult incidents of their lives by opting for radiotherapy. In this regard, they need the proper guidance, support, help and boost to help them get through the different stages of radiation therapy, and to improve chances of recovery. In many of such hospitals, the support programs are available which work with various social services to provide such cases with any required information they need. There are many things the patients undergo in this event. They either may undergo external radiation therapy treatment or an internal radiation treatment. In external radiation therapy, the patients are called to the radiation center 5 times a week and radiation is given to them. The two days off from radiation helps the normal cells to recup erate from the damage of the radiation procedure.      Patients after changing in hospital robes are asked to enter the radiation room especially designed for the purpose. After instructing the patient the proper position, the radiotherapist proceeds to his proper location where he would execute his task. The patient is asked to remain in a the said position where he is to receive a fixed radiation dose to the tumor affected area. After the completion of the session, the patient is then directed to leave and attend to normal daily matters. Patients in these stages undergo immense psychological as well as physical stress for which it is advised that they rest more to help the body restore itself in the normal manner. Since depression and anxiety are two most common features, the patients are advised to take part in activities that boost their morale and help them feel good about themselves. The support teams in this regard focus on providing and guiding patients to a good nutrition plan, to aid in better recovery from illness. Nausea is also among the problems that patients encounter but these can be easily handled through medication prescribed by your oncologist. Hair falling is another issue that usually resolves once chemotherapy is over. In summary, the radiation procedure is especially taxing for the patient who may need immense support and care at this crucial time, which becomes the responsibility of the family as well as the radiology team. (WebMD, 2007)  Internal Radiation Therapy     Internal radiation therapy is another frequent option chosen by the oncologist in the treatment plan of many cancer patients. The high dose rate radiation therapy is a type of this internal radiation therapy where radioactive source is removed between treatments. In this case, the source of radiation is placed in direct proximity to the cancer area and is applied with small sophisticated machinery. This is in contrast to the use of heavy extensive radiation and machinery that is used in external radiation procedures. The substances used in these instances include iodine, cesium, iridium, phosphorus and palladium etc. This treatment has been given many names and is also known as brachytherapy, implant radiation therapy, interstitial, intracavitary or passage radiation. Internal radiation therapy however is a procedure that requires hospital care and attention, as well as isolation, for in this therapy; other people may get exposed to high radiation levels. Therefore, many cases of these may keep the patients for a day or two, during which the affect of the radiation substance would have worn off, and become useless. (Cancer Source, 2007)      It is important that once radiation therapy is carried out, the patient is seen and advised further about the future therapies or treatments. This is an essential part of the treatment modality. Mostly prior to the radiation therapy, the oncologist and the radiation therapist carry out the discussion about the possible side effects of the therapy and what a patient may expect afterwards. The doctor emphasizes the need of follow up care and the role of the patient to show up in time. These include many procedures, including regular medical checkups, screening and diagnostic procedures, endoscopy, blood work etc. All these help the clinician check on the health of the patient and the recovery status, and whether any complication is arising. The patients are asked about the status of their health and any signs and symptoms that the patient may be feeling. Patient is asked about pain, or any physical difficulty being experienced in daily routine. He or she is asked frequently about any medications, supplements and the dietary habits he or she is conducting. Emotional issues and problems as well as family histories are also taken into account in these visits. Such patients may be called after two months of the radiotherapy, and then asked about the status and any necessary investigations may be carried out. These visits may be tapered down to once a year if the prognosis is good and the patient is recovering successfully. The patients are however, asked to maintain the record of their illness and all of the treatment modalities carried out including medications and previous test results for future references. (National Cancer Institute, 2007) Effect of Radiotherapy on Nutritional State of Cancer Patients     Nutrition is a very important aspect in proceeding with the treatment. There are currently many studies conducted in determining the proper nutrition a cancer patient must receive. This is due to the fact that cancer treatments cause high energy expenditure among patients, leaving then in nutritional deficiency as they undergo radiation therapy. Several factors contribute to this problem. First is the fatigue that develops as a result of the treatment, which takes away the ability of the patient to take balanced nutrition. Second is the lack of hunger in such patients and third is the increased vomiting and nausea that these patients encounter during the treatment phase. In all these scenarios, the net result is the reduction in the nutritional capacity of the patients. This is especially true for patients who have cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus or the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary and/or external supplementary nutritional sources are extremely important in such cases. Isenring, Capra and Bauer in 2004, claimed that nutritional therapy is an essential feature of the patient recovery plan in cancer radiotherapy. (Isenring et al, 2004)     Researches conducted reveal the negative impact of radiation therapy on the patients nutritional health. There are obvious evidences that nutritional deficiencies are common to cancer patients, especially those suffering from cancer of the GI tract. Due to the imbalance between food intake and energy loss, malnutrition is inevitable. Most patients suffer from malnutrition in the radiation phase, because of this many hospitals now recommend that a compulsory health program be imposed on patients to ensure the proper provision of their nutrition. There are different claims as how to properly design these programs. Some suggest that amino acids and essential fatty acids are important in increasing bodys defenses and to improve patient recovery. A reduced fat diet, live yoghurt and fermented milk product use are now one of the most important components in the cancer nutrition plan. (Internet Health Library, 2007)     Studies indicate the biggest danger due to malnutrition is the intense weight loss that the patient suffers from, which can lead to increased morbidity and mortality rates, reduction of the body’s defense systems and increased possibility of the return of the cancer, should any remaining cancerous tissue remains. While initial weight loss is of no serious consequence, continued weight reduction is a sign of concern. For many of the symptoms that the patient encounters, the options are presented for the specific issue. For example, mouth dryness is a common problem for the cancer patients. This increases their chances of oral infections, and therefore, patients are advised to chew on sugarless gums, increased intake of water, and using high moisture foods and fruits. Patients are advised to take small but frequent meals that are low on fat, to aid in digestion. Appetite stimulants are another good method of improving diet and appetite in such patients. Iron supplementation is advised to counter the effects of anemia, exercise may help in dealing with changes like menopausal states which cannot be given estrogen therapies. Patients in cancer cases tend to opt for more supplements and become less careful about the food that they eat. This should be the other way round, for natural food is the best nutritional supplement and helps in recovery faster. Fruits and vegetables are a high source of vitamins and minerals and can help in the recovery of the patients’ appetites. (Cancer Journal for Clinician, 2001) Physical and Mental Health Maintenance     As stated before, the cancer therapy is an intensely physically as well as emotionally demanding phase of treatment to a patient. In such circumstances, the need is for intense emotional support and encouragement. It is estimated that up to 40% of the patients may experience immense emotional distress during the cancer treatment, and therefore identification with proper counseling and guidance is very important for such cases. (Sollner et al, 2001) The problem lies in the correct identification of the cases undergoing distress and to understand the severity of the issue before hand. Many of the oncologists however, are unable to identify cases of distress which may cause complications at a later date. (Sollner et al, 2001) It is very important that oncologists are able to identify such cases and work accordingly for the benefit of the patient. Many social support groups are available in the hospitals that aim to help and guide the patients as well as their families t o better radiotherapy experience.       The concept of hospice has been indeed one of the methods with which care can be given to patients undergoing therapy. Somewhat of a recent concept in oncology care, hospice care has fast become a popular method among the patients. While hospice care is a good method, there are only three percent of the total cancer patients in a hospital that undergo radiation therapy. The issues here are different as the approvals for radiation are hard to get for the patient. Most of the hospice patients are senior age individuals with a mean age of 63 years admitted in the UK hospitals. (Lutz, Ashworth and Connor, 2005)     The use of hospice care therefore becomes a complicated issue when decision to conduct radiotherapy for such individuals is considered. Many of the patients in this regard are actually cases of terminal cancer who need palliative care through radiotherapy. It is important to address the need of the dying patients and to provide them with the necessary care to help them get through the process with as minimum pain as possible. (Lutz, Ashworth and Connor, 2005)      Usually there are three kinds of patients that undergo hospice care during radiotherapy. The first are those patients who do not have any one to take care of them during their radiotherapy session, and therefore the hospital provides it to them. The second are the patients who do not forgo the hospital admission, and third are those who are getting parenteral and tube nutrition, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and are getting transfusions. (Lorenz et al, 2004) In many of such cases the patients may have difficulty getting admission in the hospitals, despite falling into one of the above three categories. Access in such cases needs to be made smoother for the patients. (Lorenz et al, 2004)     Current hospices are now a combination of inpatient and home care services. In the past this was not the case. Hospices and palliative care were considered a separate department and were accordingly handled. The development in this area has led to modern hospices with a home like feel for the patients to help them recover and feel psychologically better. It is to remember that hospice care in many patients is essentially palliative care, and includes symptom control, effective communication between patients and the doctors, rehabilitation and continuation of care, terminal care, support provision in bereavement, education and research.(Neill and Fallon, 1997) In other words current hospice is a refuge, a recuperant and an area of research all combined. Palliative care is again the domain of specialists in oncology and in other disciplines so as to give the best care there is possible to the patient. In cancer terminal patients, many efforts are carried out to make the stay of the patient more comfortable. After thorough evaluation and identifying the cause of pain in such patients, the administration of analgesics is undertaken. While primary drugs remain the same during the course of the treatment, the secondary drugs or the adjuvant drugs are added as the case may need. These may include some other drugs depending on the patient symptoms such as steroids, anti inflammatories, antidepressants, anti convulsants, and anti arrhythmic drugs. Issues of tolerance and toxicity are taken very seriously and patient progress in this regard is taken under constant observation. (Neill and Fallon, 1997)      There are many reasons cited by the patients about their preference of hospice care to home care. These include high professional care, easy to communicate and clarify issues of health and cancer stages, ease in the visitation in between the radiotherapy sessions with ample time for rest, and provision of support to the patient as well as the family members in the hospital settings. Such patients were satisfied about the exclusive team of care givers in the radiotherapy department, and a faculty that focuses on cancer patients only. However, areas of dissatisfaction among the patients include the problems encountered with the radiation units and machines, occasional lack of communication between the various members of the staff leading to problems in care provision, and problems in transporting patients from one department to the next. (Gavin et al, 2002) CONCLUSIONS:     Radiotherapy is a field of intensive research and activity and is undergoing many changes and developments. Now there is a shift and interest from the conventional external beam radiotherapy procedures and there is more emphasis on the use of fractionation doses rather than single ones. This is especially seen to be beneficial for cases of head and neck cancers and improve the prognosis of the patients, as well as give them ample time to recover during the procedures. Some of the rules however, follow. For example the dosage of radiation is decided depending upon the size of the tumor mass. The larger the mass, the more it must receive the dosage of the radiation. Other methods of providing doses include hyperfractionation, which is twice daily delivery of the radiation, the accelerated fractionation, which aims to decrease the treatment period and to prevent the tumor from regrowing. Some of the techniques employed that prove to have relatively positive impacts are the concomitant boost technique, given once a day for three and a half weeks and twice a day in the final two week period, and the accelerated hyperfrationation, which combines the effects of both hyperfractionation and acclerated dosing. (Chow et al, 2001)  Oxygenation of tumor is also considered for treatment. It has been established that oxygen has the ability to modify radiation damage, that in malignant tumors, both oxygenation and tumor cell proliferation determine local tumor management after radiotherapy. However, there are currently insufficient explanations in correlating oxygenation status and tumor cell kinetics (Nordsmark et al. 1996). But according to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2005), Oxygen therapy uses ozone or hydrogen peroxide to supposedly add extra oxygen to your body. Proponents believe cancer cells need a low-oxygen environment to survive, and that flooding your body with extra oxygen will kill cancer cells. Ozone gas can be mixed with water or air, and users usually drink or inhale the solution. It can also be injected into a muscle. Hydrogen peroxide is sometimes injected into a vein, though it can also be administered rectally. Oxygen therapy hasnt been studied in people. Hydrogen peroxide bubbles in the blood can block blood flow and lead to death. An alternative cure or disease management for cancer patients is for them to undergo surgical procedures. This can be done for several reasons, it can be preventive or prophylactic, for diagnostic, staging, curative, and others. It is one of the oldest forms of cancer treatment that removes tumor and saves normal tissues (American Cancer Society 2007).       Current treatment regimes are now utilizing the use of more sophisticated machinery that is able to specify the location of the tumor and provide therapy to that area only, so as to prevent damage to the normal tissues. The external beam therapy advancements are leading to improvements in the outcomes of the cancer patients and therefore is becoming a widely used procedure in cancer therapy. Internal radiation therapy is somewhat limited to the surgical procedures, where removal of the tumor is promptly followed by radiation therapy to ensure the removal of any viable cancer cells.        Cancer chemotherapy is advancing at a rapid rate and is now a need for the future. The increase in the rates of cancers worldwide has led to the formation of specified task forces aimed to identify the similarities of the problems faced by the patients, their families as well as the doctors in the care of such cases. With the increased length of the treatment with frequent recalls and visits, it is important that such treatments be carried out in coordination with the different members of the radiology team. The roles of the various team members are important and each has a very important role to contribute in the cancer care.      The introduction of social programs is a very positive effort by the health care administrations which aim to educate and help the patients during the various phases of the cancer treatments. The understanding of the physical and emotional distress and needs of the patients and rectifying it helps to improve the outcomes many times and ensures the best of treatment provision. The role of nutrition as mentioned above is again a contributing factor in the rehabilitation of the patient and can help in speedier recovery. In short, radiotherapy is a major decision for a cancer patient which needs to be taken into account during all stages of the therapy with proper support and guidance for better outcomes. REFERENCES The American Society of Radiologic Technologists. The Interdisciplinary Team in Radiological Technology . Lloyd Asp, Morris Bank, Theodore Fields, William Hendee, Douglas Jones, Cohn Orton, Vincent Sampiere, George Starckschall, K. David Steidley and Bruce Thomadsen, 1993. The Role of a Physicist in Radiation Oncology. American Association of Physics in Medicine by the American Institute of Physics. Cancer Backup, 2005. Staff in Radiotherapy Department. Site last accessed on November 7th, 2007 from Cancer Source, 2007. Internal Radiation Therapy: What to Expect. Site last accessed on November 8, 2007 from,25508-7 Rachel H Chow, Kenneth M. 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